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  • 10 Apr 2012

    5 Ways to Improve Social Media Campaigns

    Once you have decided to start a social media campaign to expand your customer base, you will need to devise strategies to further the reach and effectiveness. Merely sending out Tweets and updating your Facebook status are not enough to attract new customers. Here are some simple tips to improve your efforts.
  • 29 Mar 2012

    How Social Search is Changing SEO Strategies

    Now that Google Social Search has incorporated the likes and dislikes of our friends and acquaintances, it is easier than ever to find personal review. By using the personal search feature, Google’s search engine will take into account websites that your Google + circles more commonly frequent. So how do SEO marketers use this to their advantage?
  • 06 Mar 2012

    5 Big Changes for SEO in 2012

    Google’s Panda updates from February 2011 were the big news from the preceding year, when they penalized content farms and re-emphasized original content and blogging. Here are some of the changes that will most likely affect SEO in 2012.
  • 23 Feb 2012

    New Technology: Social Media Trackers for Twitter & Facebook

    When you are managing a small or medium business, one of the most difficult things to keep track of is whether the media efforts are paying off. Is that TV ad on Public Access convincing people to purchase your insurance? Is that newspaper add getting noticed by the few people who still read newspapers? Thankfully, the internet is composed of recorded data, making it extremely easy to track that data. There are tools, both free and for sale, which allow you to see how your social media campaigns are working, which ones are most effective, and what audiences they are reaching. Here are some of the tools we recommend.
  • 17 Feb 2012

    The Future of User Experience

    The average consumer is changing; there is no denying this. People today are unable to simply sit back and enjoy a single form of stimulation. Instead, they need consistent, multiple means of entertainment. They watch TV, browse the internet, check Facebook, send text messages, and watch YouTube videos on their tablets, simultaneously.