Social Media Marketing Service

Take advantage of the power social media sites have for nurturing your customer base and stimulating your online marketing campaigns. Trimark social media services maximize your brand’s social channels by:

  • Providing the right information to attract new clients
  • Delivering the right messages to keep your brand attractive
  • Encouraging participation, sharing and proliferation
  • Maximizing advertising and re-marketing opportunity within social channels
  • Using state of the art software to look for potential opportunities and track your progress

Social Media

Take advantage of the power social media sites have for nurturing your customer base and stimulating your online marketing campaigns. Trimark social media services maximize your brand’s social channels.

Email Marketing

Get the most out of communicating with your customers with professional email marketing services.  Sending the right message to your customers isn’t as easy as you thing.  Trimark’s proven email marketing methods make sure you’re getting a return on your customer communications.


Blogs allow you to put a face to your company or enhance the image of your brand that you’re trying to convey to your customers and potential customers.  Also, since blogs are web pages, each time you share new information, search engines see it as adding new page content to your website.  This is good because continuous updating and addition of new information on your site can help your search engine rankings and visibility.

How Social Media can Increase Sales

As social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest have evolved to become a common part of daily life for users, it’s effectiveness for companies has increased.  For businesses, social media is more than just a source for finding the latest news or sharing pictures of cats—it’s become a way to launch promotions, handle customer issues, improve brand awareness and increase total online presence. It’s also opened up new opportunities in online advertising that reach a much larger and more targeted audience than other conventional online avenues.

Trimark’s Custom Blend of Powerful Social Tools

Using as many aspects of social media as possible offers your business additional sales portals and allows you to appeal to targeted demographics.

Trimark uses highly regarded industry tools to collect and take advantage of data associated with your social media posts to improve your outreach and allow your business to optimize its social interaction.

Our social media services are a double-swing door, allowing for more effective outreach to your followers as well as additional insights you may benefit from based on how your followers react to your message.

Mixes Traditional and Online Marketing

Social media sites bridge the gap between traditional marketing and promotions vs. online marketing and exposure on the web. While the obvious uses include sharing promotions with customers or reaping the various benefits of brand awareness by interaction with customers, social signals can also have some great side effects that piggy-back your other online marketing campaigns.