• The Future of Internet Marketing: Social Commerce

    Imagine if there was a way to mix Amazon, Facebook, and Skype into one delicious recipe of social ecommerce. I could experience that thrill of browsing the mall with my buddies or girlfriend, but from the comfortable vibrating leather cushions of my lounge chair. Well, this fantasy could be reality soon enough, via Web Mall.
  • Google Plus Brand Pages Could Fix Problems of Facebook and Twitter

    Google recently announced that they were implementing brand pages for corporate advertisers on their social media site, Google Plus. As Facebook is still developing tweaks to their system in order to raise user enjoyment, Google Plus will hopefully begin with a system that does not necessitate any additional changes in the future.
  • What is Black Hat SEO?

    Black Hat search engine optimization is customarily defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. These black hat SEO techniques usually include one or more of the following characteristics:

    breaks search engine rules and regulations
    creates a poor user experience directly because of the black hat SEO techniques utilized on […]

  • Mac OS X Lion: Review from Final Cut Pro 7 Editor and ProApps User

    Mac OS X Lion, Apple’s newly-released operating system upgrade seems to be a first-step effort to bridge the gap between their traditional desktop operating system and the newly-popular iPhone and iPad IOS. While IOS is undoubtedly more user-friendly, much of Apple’s professional user base has given the company’s integration efforts some backlash—most recently with Apple’s […]

  • Local Search Optimization

    As we all know, more competition means more challenging and so does broader coverage. Therefore local search optimization is not as challenging as broader categories – but it still has its own challenges. Many of the same SEO rules still apply to local search engine optimization, but because of the improvements done on the search […]

  • SEO Content Writing Tips after Google’s Panda Update

    Writing plays a large roll in Internet marketing and SEO campaigns. Despite the recent algorithm changes from the Google Panda Update, content is still the No. 1 determining factor in getting your site to rank.

    The principles of good writing are as much of a skill as an art form, and when you or your Internet […]