internet marketing

Currently browsing: internet marketing
  • 17 Feb 2012

    The Future of User Experience

    The average consumer is changing; there is no denying this. People today are unable to simply sit back and enjoy a single form of stimulation. Instead, they need consistent, multiple means of entertainment. They watch TV, browse the internet, check Facebook, send text messages, and watch YouTube videos on their tablets, simultaneously.
  • 23 Jan 2012

    Internet Marketing is Obsoleting Traditional Media Advertisers

    Consider TV, print, and radio advertising as a fisherman who casts his net into the ocean and hopes to catch as many fish as possible, knowing that some days he will get a bunch and some days he will get none. Conversely, internet marketing is more like a geeky marine biologist who tracks school of fish and predicts when/where are the optimal times/places to catch them.
  • 10 Jan 2012

    Google News

    I have written about Google in the past, but the number one search engine has been in the news again lately, for both good and bad publicity. 2012 appears to be a monster year for Google, as it continues to develop and market new products, challenging Facebook, Apple, and Internet Explorer along the way. Here are the recent transgressions and progressions that have affected the technology giant.
  • 04 Jan 2012

    Twitter Claiming Title of Best Internet Marketing Tool

    Facebook is the current standard for social media internet marketing, with numerous users and a well-developed history. Recently we discussed how to utilize YouTube to get viewers back to your website and how Google Plus is taking strides in social networking. But one other social website is becoming the most unlikely of champions: Twitter.
  • 14 Dec 2011

    Basic SEO Marketing Explained

    You might have a general understanding of what SEO marketing is, but do you know why it is important, or how it benefits a business? Basic SEO marketing attempts to learn the words and phrases that internet users are searching for, in order to use this information to get their products to the people who seek them.
  • 23 Nov 2011

    The Future of Internet Marketing: Social Commerce

    Imagine if there was a way to mix Amazon, Facebook, and Skype into one delicious recipe of social ecommerce. I could experience that thrill of browsing the mall with my buddies or girlfriend, but from the comfortable vibrating leather cushions of my lounge chair. Well, this fantasy could be reality soon enough, via Web Mall.