3 Things You Can Do to Assist Internet Marketing Campaigns
At Trimark, we work with our clients’ marketing by posting blogs, working with social media, and creating SEO content to help in search rankings. But these services only help a solid foundation.
No matter how good the marketing is, if the product sucks, it will not sell. Likewise, the business owner’s enthusiasm reflects the success of his/her company. You cannot be successful if you don’t care about the results and put in hard work.
So here are 3 easy tips for taking your internet marketing campaigns into your own hands and helping to improve your rate of success.
1) Locate and Connect with Target Audience
Internet marketing can be a struggle to find the people who want your product or services. But a basic rule of sales is that a customer is a customer for life. Once you convince someone to purchase from your business, the odds that they return for another sale is greatly increased. This is why companies give out free samples, offer discounts, and generally allot a significant amount of funds towards marketing.
So how do you reach this audience? For starters, try to hook the people who enter your physical store. Offer free merchandise or business cards with your web address and Facebook on it. That way, the inquiring shopper can follow up on his/her initial visit to your store by seeing what your website has to offer.
You can also give discounts for people who start following your social networking pages. For example, offer free shipping when someone “likes” you on Facebook or re-tweets a post from your Twitter account.
2) Stay Active on Social Media
It is very convenient to assume your marketers will take care of all your social media needs, but if you truly care about your business, stay current on posting yourself.
It doesn’t need to be anything amazing, but even the smallest posts can inspire customers. If you find a funny picture or interesting article related to your business, link to it. As long as it isn’t controversial, it can only help to improve your image and connect with customers.
3) Stay Interested in Daily Marketing
Many clients lose interest in the marketing portion as soon as their website is finished with development. They pay their monthly costs and then ignore it to focus on the day-to-day aspects of the business.
This is understandable; there are only so many hours in a day, and when you aren’t working you would rather spend time relaxing. But the best results and most growth are going to come from business owners who put in the extra time.
Now, this doesn’t have to mean Tweeting every hour or writing daily blogs; it can be much simpler. If you discover something interesting related to your field, send an email to Trimark so we can Tweet it or write a blog about it. Let us do the busy work, but give us information. It is more likely that you have your head buried in your industry and will hear crucial news before us, so fill us in. It’s that simple.
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