Social Media 101: 6 Common Questions About Marketing with Social Networks

Popular_Social_NetworksTrimark still faces some skepticism from our clients about the advantages of social media for advertising their services and products. In this blog, we hope to dispel those doubts by answering some frequently asked questions.

1) What is the biggest benefit of social media?

Along with allowing additional exposure to potential clients, social networking allows for more advertising than traditional media. You can respond directly to your customers in a location where they feel comfortable.

2) Is Twitter really that important?

Twitter allows you to connect to a specific audience with common interests to your business. Sending regular tweets shows that you are passionate about your business and builds trust and loyalty towards your brand.

3) Besides Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, what other social websites are good for business?

YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google and is the top site for videos. If your business incorporates videos of any kind, you should be utilizing YouTube as well.

4) If I’m active on social media, do I still need a blog?

Yes. Blogs are excellent for sharing information regarding your business. You can post links to them from your social media platform in order to draw in more clients. They also serve to make your website get regularly updated, so that it doesn’t appear to be outdated.

5) How much time should I allocate for social media?

You want to update your social media accounts regularly, without wasting too much time and taking away from your other duties. We suggest spending 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the late afternoon

6) What are some tips for sharing with social media?

Here are three big tips:

  • Be passionate; the more you care about your product, the more others will care.
  • Always double check your work before posting. And make sure that you know if you are logged in under your work or personal account.
  • Maintain a schedule. Don’t let weeks or months pass without adding new content.


Best of luck with your social media advertising! If you would like to hire a professional to manage your accounts, Trimark Group features social media services.