• Google Panda Update Says Goodbye to Low-Quality Links

    Google has made major changes to its algorithm to target spammy sites, followed by the larger Panda update that targeted “low quality” sites. This all started when Google penalized JCPenney, Forbes, and Overstock.com for “shady” linking practices.

    What’s it all mean for link builders? It means we say goodbye to low quality link building.

    If your competitors […]

  • Implementing Exclusive Content On Facebook For Fans

    Trying to boost the number of people that like your Facebook page? Try giving users a reason to like you by offering a special only to those that actually ‘like’ you. Facebook allows for you to deliver different content on FMBL Custom tabs between users that are already connected to your page and users that […]

  • Internet Audibles: Search Engine Optimization and Making Adjustments

    If you work for an Internet marketing company or in any facet of search engine optimization, chances are you recognize the enormous value that patience and persistence have in making online marketing services successful for your clients.

    There are many angles to search engine optimization and the most popular search engines employ extremely complex algorithms to […]

  • Social Media Marketing: A Step-Ladder for SEO Services

    One of the latest weapons in the arsenal of online marketers is social media marketing.  Many Internet marketing companies will offer social media marketing services, but as a client and business owner, what does that really mean? Most business owners and people in general know social media as just that—an avenue for interacting with friends […]

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Winemaking

    Online Marketing and California Winemakers
    One of the pleasantries of living in coastal California includes having access to some of the finest wineries and vineyards in the world.  The lush country and landscape has attracted some of the world’s best winemakers—the climate is perfect for growing different grape varietals and the beautiful landscape and greenery pairs […]